AutoSAR Projects
AutoSAR MCAL Development Services

Our Specialization

Team Achievements
- Adhering to the ASPICE process guidelines as set by the customer.
- Providing suggestions on Verification and Validation part.
- Coding guidelines, File formats and folder structure as per customer requirements.
- MISRA-C compliant code with customer specific constraints.
- LDRA based code validation.
- Automated Testplan and Testreport generation.
MCAL Development Process management

ASPICE Level-1

- Complete responsibility of MCAL module development.
- Team involved in Requirement analysis till testing and final delivery.
- AutoSAR version 4.2.2 is used as reference for development.
- Agile team for handling development of each modules.
- Ensuring 100% Code coverage and branch coverage.
MCAL Development Scope

- Mapping of Requirements with SWS of the AutoSAR standards.
- Bi directional Traceability matrix.
- Delivery of documentations - SRS (SW Requirement Specification).
- Delivery of documentations - SAD (SW Architecture Specification).
- Delivery of documentations - SDD (SW Design Document).
- Delivery of Source Code.
- Delivery of Unit testreport.
- Delivery of Functional testreport.
- Delivery of EB Tresos Plugins - XDM and XPATH scripts.
- Delivery of documentation - User manual.
Would you like to start a project with us?
Feel free to reach out to us to discuss a project & receive a no obligation quotation